Incoterms are abbreviations for international commercial terms. Incoterms are a set of instructions used in the global transportation of goods that are internationally recognized. They specify the allocation of responsibility (in terms of costs and risks) between the Shipper (typically the supplier/consignor) and the Consignee (usually the buyer). Make sure you understand your incoterms to avoid any surprises during the shipping process.
EXW (Ex Works)
The Ex Works incoterm provides the seller with the least obligation, in regards to shipping costs and liabilities. The seller makes the goods available at chosen premises and the buyer must organise all elements of shipping. This includes collection at origin, freight, delivery, duties and GST. The risk transfers to the buyer when they collect the goods from the named premises. The buyer takes on all costs until final delivery.
FCA (Free Carrier)
For FCA shipments, the seller makes the goods available to a carrier stipulated by the buyer. The buyer must also coordinate the export clearance. From here the risks and costs are transferred to the buyer. This includes terminal and loading charges at the port of origin. The buyer will also be responsible for all charges from freight to final delivery and customs charges at the end destination.
FAS (Free Alongside Ship)
For FAS shipments the seller makes the goods available alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment and coordinates the export clearance. The seller takes on all origin charges including terminal charges but the buyer pays for loading onto the vessel and all charges thereafter.
FOB (Free On Board)
When shipping on FOB terms the seller is responsible for all origin charges. This includes loading onto the named vessel. The risks and costs are then transferred to the buyer. The buyer is then responsible for the freight, any insurance required and all charges to final destination.
CPT (Carriage Paid To)
When shipping on CPT terms the seller is responsible for making the goods available at a named place of destination. With these terms, the buyer is responsible for any additional transportation, duties and taxes. The buyer is also responsible for any insurance required during transit.
CFR (Cost and Freight)
The CFR incoterm means all charges, including freight up until the intended port of destination, are born by the seller. However, as a buyer be cautious. The risk for the buyer takes over when the goods are loaded on the vessel, so even though you are not paying for the freight you may want to insure your shipment. All remaining charges at the destination are then settled by the buyer.
CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid To)
Similar to CPT terms the seller is responsible for making the goods available at a named place of destination. The seller must also procure insurance to cover the goods during transit to the named destination. The buyer is only responsible for any additional transportation and duties and taxes upon arrival.
CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)
This term is the same as CFR only the seller is responsible for the goods and any insurance up until the goods arrive at the intended destination port. Once the goods arrive the buyer takes on all risks and final associated charges.
DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded)
Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU) requires the seller to deliver the goods at the disposal of the buyer after they’ve been unloaded from the arriving means of transport. It is the only Incoterms rule that requires the seller to unload goods at the place of destination and it can apply to any—and more than one—mode of transport.
DAP (Delivered At Place)
DAP means the shipment is delivered to a chosen location at the destination. The seller is responsible for all charges up until the goods are delivered to the final location. The buyer is responsible for unloading these goods and any duties and taxes applicable.
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
DDP terms represent the least cost and risk for the buyer. The seller is responsible for ensuring the goods are delivered to the final destination import cleared. This means the seller takes on all costs and liability for the entire shipment. The buyer is only responsible for unloading goods upon arrival.
Two Main Categories of Incoterms
Incoterms that apply to any mode of transport:
EXW Ex Works
FCA Free Carrier
CPT Carriage Paid To
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To
DPU Delivered at Place Unloaded (former DAT Delivered at Terminal)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
Incoterms that apply to sea and inland waterway transport only: